Well here is a first, I have actually been allowed to write a Blog post! No doubt my wife will complain about it’s content, spelling and grammar. But here goes.
Despite only having made our rough travel plan 3 days ago it has already changed. Having been in touch with a member of the Namibian Paragliding Association to find out about possible flying sites, it transpired that there was going to be an airshow this Saturday in a town close to where we were. There are hangliders and paragliders here for the week, so we have decided to come and stay here – Otjiwarongo, for the weekend.
It seems that the conditions might be a bit strong for me to fly, the hangliders said they have been going up and down at up to 6 metres a second, which is fairly extreme. They seem like a nice bunch so it should be fun. Also there are some gliders here from SA so should be able to get some good contacts for future flying.
So the future plans are to be in Etosha National Park on Monday and stay until we get bored of looking at the wildlife.
I should mention of course that we were in Waterberg PLateau National Park for the last 2 days and we did one guided game drive. Saw countless Giraffes including some baby ones which were very cute. It looked like that was going to be all for awhile but at our second and last waterhole a herd of Buffalo came in for a drink followed by a couple of Roan Antelope ( which apparently are quite rare). So that was a good start to our game watching although we were hoping for a couple of Rhinos.

Well thats about all from me for now, might be quite a long time before I’m allowed to write again but it has been fun.